Have you ever wanted to get a lot of info from your car ? Have you ever wanted to know things that were not shown on the car´s panel ? This is what you want =)
Carman is an amazing software that runs on maemo platform with your n770 or n800 device. You can monitor live data (e.g. Engine RPM, Calculated Load Value, Vehicle Speed, Coolant Temperature, and many others), check trouble codes, record data values, performance, etc..
Here are some screenshots. It´s good to remember that Carman is LGPL 😉
Some nice screenshots:
Man… It seems to be 2f cool! But how the interface between the device and the car is done? I mean, how the car sends the info to be exibited on the device?
Hi! =) The interface between the device and the car is done using bluetooth. You connect another device to your car that sends the info through bluetooth.
You can see a video of it working on this site: http://thoughtfix.blogspot.com/2007/02/carman-bluetooth-elmscan-5-and-n800.html